Wednesday, March 26


Kaya-Archer Match-up on the Eve of Chinese New Year


Yesterday marked the eve of Chinese New Year. As the day approached, I continued the tradition of cleaning the house and preparing for the New Year. With our Kaya FC vs Green Archers match to focus for, I was in the midst of thinking about family and home, and New Year preparations with the big game in the back of my mind. In many way, the turn of the new year, really gave me an anchor and allowed me to feel grounded. Thinking about Chinatown, my home, my family and the things I was raised to do during this time of year, really made me feel quite homesick, but at the same it really allowed me to reflect and refocus the task as hand. In many ways, it gave me a chance to be reminded about where I can from and how lucky I am to have all the opportunities I have.

Chinese New Year has always had a more profound effect on me than our Western New Year. Though more celebrated and more mainstream, New Years for me has always been simply a celebration with friends and family signifying the passing of a New Year, with it’s attachments to resolutions and the Big Ball Drop countdown. On the other hand, Chinese New Year and the passing of the Lunar New Year has always signified a little more and has always impacted me just a little deeper, with it’s rich heritage and cultural traditions.

Perhaps I feel most connected with my family’s history and past time during Chinese New Year. Maybe it is the traditional preparations and celebrations that effect me that much more. Which ever it is, I know I miss the aromas, the music, and the colors of Chinese New Year at home. The cold whether in January the creeps in, the sounds of Chinatown amongst the back drop of New York City, the tourist that flood the streets, the excitement of people and children playing, the energy of the lion dance and the rhythms of the rolling drums, all remind me of a place I call home. There is never a place like home, and I am proud to call Chinatown New York City my home.

I am happy to say that although I am far away in a new country, I can still feel the roots of my heritage from across the world. It grounds me and it allows me to carry on with strength and relevance. I am proud to share that my family traditions, my family dynamic and the values I have been raised on propel me to become better in all that I do.

Kaya FC ended the Chinese New Year’s Eve match-up versus Green Archer’s with a 3 point result from the 2-1 win. I scored my first 2 goal for my club. I hope this Chinese New Year bring you and your family much luck, good health and prosperity.

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