Sunday, February 23


2011-2012 Season Recap: Coach Cuto


There always comes a time when the road leads to a fork. The decision to continue or to change course is always a difficult one. With obstacles and bumps in the road very leg of the journey, the ride is far from smooth in the world of football.  With missions to rise to the top of the UFL standings, getting to the top remains just a small milestone in comparison to the grueling voyage there and hard fought battle to stay there. In this great adventure we call a season, there are many instances of triumph and many occasions of disappointment. Many times decisions and outcomes prove to be strokes of genius or waves of luck, along with painful unforgiving mishaps. The true test of character is how a team proceeds through times of unrest and turmoil, and the remainder of the journey will be a testament to the teams integrity.

Before the UFL’s second round, the news of Head Coach Juan Cutillas’ resignation from Kaya FC surprised the close knit team and shocked the league.  It was irreconcilable differences between a loyal coach and a hard working management that prompted the resignation.  Much like any relationship, collaborations or partnership there will be disagreement and how to balance such issues becomes a delicate task in propelling a team forward.

Cuto’s undoubted contributions to the team is at the very core of what the team stands for and what Kaya FC means. With echoes of teamwork pride and brotherhood instilled in the teams values since the founding of Kaya FC, it has since been a long standing tradition that the characteristics be upheld and honored. Cuto was a coach, man, mentor, educator, and a leader that transpired those values to the next generation of players that took on the Kaya FC emblem.

After coming out of retirement to take on the task of a new team in the UFL Cup in 2011, Cuto skillfully molded the team of new players into a formidable team that thrived on it’s unity. Cuto was able to bring together the various skill level and experience of players and carefully crafted a successful system. Most of all, Cuto instilled camaraderie unseen on any team in the UFL and promoted a fellowship between all members of the team that surpassed the playing field. With teamwork and combined effort by a unified whole at the core, Cuto took the team to it’s highest level.

Cuto’s relentless passion and enthusiasm for the game and for his players remain in the hearts of everyone he encounters. His coaching style, experience and stories have positively and most earnestly shaped not only Kaya FC but a developing football country. With great sacrifices made to his personal life, family and his health, the gratitude and appreciation for his undying efforts remain an inspiration to all.  We will forever be grateful for his deep connection to Kaya FC and his contribution to the sport.

His presence is felt every time Kaya FC steps on the field. Whether Coach Cuto’s path is directly in route with the teams, there is no question that it runs strong and passionately parallel with the teams quest to top the League. The team feels all that he instilled and it remains a driving force for Kaya FC looking to excel forward. With integrity, value and principle Kaya FC is guided by the moral presence of their beloved Coach Cuto.

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