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Kaya FC-Iloilo Partners Up With Fitogether Iloilo joins forces with the South Korean data specialists to take Kaya’s training and development to the next level.

February 18, 2022 News

Kaya FC-Iloilo is delighted to announce that Fitogether—a South Korean technology company that specializes in the analysis of football data—will be the team’s official partner of Electronic Performance & Tracking Systems (EPTS) starting this season.

Fitogether’s product “OHCOACH” is FIFA IMS (International Match Standard) certified and has received the highest rating for accuracy and consistency in the 2020 FIFA EPTS Quality Program.

The wearable devices are capable of collecting various forms of tracking data during training sessions and matches—such as players’ activity load, running speed, and even heart rates. The information will allow the coaching staff to visualize player movements and intensity, help design systematic and optimized training, and effectively monitor and adjust practices in real-time to improve conditioning and further reduce the risk of injury.

Fitogether is the official sponsor of the Korean League, including all of their youth programs. K League professional clubs have benefited greatly from the use of the OHCOACH technology, empowering their players to significantly improve their performance.

Fitogether also works with more than 350 clubs around the world, and continues to grow and better the product with all the useful feedback from users. By offering EPTS devices and software, they provide teams the ability to more accurately maintain their squad’s fitness and raise the overall performance of their players.

By using the OHCOACH technology to create Data Analysis Reports in order to monitor player conditions, manage players’ fatigue, and reduce injury risks—Kaya has now secured an advantage enjoyed by the some of the best clubs in Asia.

“The use of technology was among the key lessons we learned in our Champions League experience last year. All of our competitors utilized real-time data in order to make informed decisions about their players,” said Kaya President and GM Paul Tolentino. “As a club with ambitions to compete at the highest possible level, we knew this was an area we needed to explore and utilize.”

“That’s why we’re delighted to have secured this partnership with Fitogether, a company at the cutting edge of data analytics in football, and considered the best in the industry,” he added. “With the use of their state-of-the-art technology, Kaya FC–Iloilo will be taking a very important step in progressing how we develop and manage our players.”